Sylow subgroups made easy
8 January 2024Here I want to present a quick and easy proof of the first Sylow theorem. It uses basic combinatorics only and yields a super elementary proof of Cauchy’s theorem for free. The goal is to prove the following statement:
Theorem: Let be a finite group of order where is a prime number and is coprime to . Then has a subgroup of order .
We need a small number-theoretic lemma which has a beautiful proof using group actions of cyclic groups.
Lemma: Let be a prime number and . Then for all we have
Proof: Let be the cyclic group of order . This group acts on itself by left multiplication, so the action extends to . Hence, we have the desired action on
Notice that . Let . Then we have and therefore
Now, is fixed by precisely if is a union of copies of . But since , it is exactly a single copy of . Hence, there are fixed points. We conclude .
With this in mind we can now prove the existence of Sylow subgroups.
Proof (of theorem): Let act on by left multiplication. Since and are coprime, we conclude by the previous lemma. Hence, there exists some with and thus . Finally, for each , the map
is injective, showing . We conclude that is the desired subgroup of order . Neat.
A very nice consequence of this argument is that we get Cauchy’s theorem practically for free.
Corollary (Cauchy’s theorem): Let be a finite group. If a prime number divides , then has an element of order .
Proof: By the previous theorem, has a subgroup of order for some . Let . Then by Lagrange’s theorem, has order for some . Hence, the element
has order , since and .
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