Sylow subgroups made easy

8 January 2024

Here I want to present a quick and easy proof of the first Sylow theorem. It uses basic combinatorics only and yields a super elementary proof of Cauchy’s theorem for free. The goal is to prove the following statement:

Theorem: Let GG be a finite group of order G=prm\abs{G} = p^r m where pp is a prime number and mm is coprime to pp. Then GG has a subgroup of order prp^r.

We need a small number-theoretic lemma which has a beautiful proof using group actions of cyclic groups.

Lemma: Let pp be a prime number and mN+m \in \bN_+. Then for all rNr \in \bN we have

(prmpr)mmodp.\binom{p^r m}{p^r} \equiv m \mod p.

Proof: Let CC be the cyclic group of order prp^r. This group acts on itself by left multiplication, so the action extends to Si=1mCS \coloneqq \bigsqcup_{i=1}^m C. Hence, we have the desired action on

X={AS:A=pr}.X = \{ A \subseteq S : \abs{A} = p^r \}.

Notice that X=(prmpr)\abs{X} = \binom{p^r m}{p^r}. Let AXA \in X. Then we have Orb(A)Stab(A)=pr\abs{\Orb(A)} \cdot \abs{\Stab(A)} = p^r and therefore

XFixC(X)modp.\abs{X} \equiv \abs{\operatorname{Fix}_C(X)} \mod p.

Now, AXA \in X is fixed by CC precisely if AA is a union of copies of CC. But since A=C\abs{A} = \abs{C}, it is exactly a single copy of CC. Hence, there are mm fixed points. We conclude Xmmodp\abs{X} \equiv m \mod p.

With this in mind we can now prove the existence of Sylow subgroups.

Proof (of theorem): Let GG act on X{AG:A=pr}X \coloneqq \{ A \subseteq G : \abs{A} = p^r \} by left multiplication. Since mm and pp are coprime, we conclude pXp \nmid \abs{X} by the previous lemma. Hence, there exists some AXA \in X with pOrb(A)p \nmid \abs{\Orb(A)} and thus Stab(A)pr\abs{\Stab(A)} \geq p^r. Finally, for each aAa \in A, the map

Stab(A)A,xxa\Stab(A) \to A, \quad x \mapsto xa

is injective, showing Stab(A)pr\abs{\Stab(A)} \leq p^r. We conclude that Stab(A)\Stab(A) is the desired subgroup of order prp^r. Neat.

A very nice consequence of this argument is that we get Cauchy’s theorem practically for free.

Corollary (Cauchy’s theorem): Let GG be a finite group. If a prime number pp divides G\abs{G}, then GG has an element of order pp.

Proof: By the previous theorem, GG has a subgroup PP of order prp^r for some r>0r > 0. Let xP{1}x \in P \setminus \{ 1 \}. Then by Lagrange’s theorem, xx has order pkp^k for some 0<kr0 < k \leq r. Hence, the element

yxpk1y \coloneqq x^{p^{k-1}}

has order pp, since y1y \neq 1 and yp=xpk=1y^p = x^{p^k} = 1.

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