Algebra golf: Determinants

29 July 2023

It is time for some recreational linear algebra. Todays’ challenge will be to show that GLn\GL_n is an affine group scheme in the most economical way possible (even if it takes away some algebraic insight.)

We apply the following completely arbitrary set of rules:

  1. Using basic results from linear algebra in vector spaces is allowed, but we have no definition of determinants yet.
  2. Avoid explicit combinatorics whenever possible.
  3. Assuming knowledge of tensor products and basic category theory is allowed.

If RR is a commutative ring, we define GLn(R)\GL_n(R) to be the group of invertible n×nn \times n matrices. If we can define determinants in some “clean” way and show that

GLn(R)={AMn(R):det(A)R×},\GL_n(R) = \{ A \in M_n(R) : \det(A) \in R^\times \},

we are essentially done.

A painless definition of determinants #

Let RR be a commutative unital ring. For any RR-module MM we define the nn-th exterior power of MM as the module

Λn(M)Mn/Jwhere J=span{m1mnMn:mi=mj for some ij}.\begin{gather*} \Lambda^n(M) \coloneqq M^{\otimes n} / J \\ \text{where } J = \vspan \{ m_1 \otimes \dots \otimes m_n \in M^{\otimes n} : m_i = m_j \text{ for some } i \neq j \}. \end{gather*}

We write m1mnm_1 \wedge \dots \wedge m_n for the image of m1mnm_1 \otimes \dots \otimes m_n by the quotient map MnΛn(M)M^{\otimes n} \to \Lambda^n(M).

If f ⁣:MNf\colon M \to N is a linear map, then fnf^{\otimes n} clearly descends to a linear map Λn(M)Λn(N)\Lambda^n(M) \to \Lambda^n(N). Since the tensor product is functorial, so is this assignment. We denote the functor by Λn ⁣:R-ModR-Mod\Lambda^n\colon R\text{-Mod} \to R\text{-Mod}.

Now suppose MM is free of rank nn. Then Λn(M)\Lambda^n(M) is free of rank 11. To see this, let {e1,,en}\{ e_1, \dots, e_n \} be a basis of MM. We claim that s=e1e2ens = e_1 \wedge e_2 \wedge \dots \wedge e_n generates Λn(M)\Lambda^n(M). Any nonzero nn-wedge of the {ei}\{ e_i \} must contain each basis element exactly once so we can identify them with a permutation in SnS_n. Observe that

e1e2+e2e1=(e1+e2)(e1+e2)=0e_1 \wedge e_2 + e_2 \wedge e_1 = (e_1 + e_2) \wedge (e_1 + e_2) = 0

so if σ=τπ\sigma = \tau \circ \pi for a transposition τ\tau, then the corresponding wedges satisfy eσ=eπe_\sigma = - e_\pi. Since the transpositions generate SnS_n we conclude

eσ=sgn(σ)eid=sgn(σ)se_\sigma = \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) e_{\id} = \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) s

and ss is a free generator of Λn(M)\Lambda^n(M).

Let f ⁣:MMf\colon M \to M be a linear map and suppose MM is again free of rank nn. Since EndR(Λn(M))R\End_R(\Lambda^n(M)) \iso R, there exists a unique element det(f)R\det(f) \in R such that

Λn(f)=det(f)id.\Lambda^n(f) = \det (f) \cdot \id.

Properties for free #

Since Λn\Lambda^n is functorial, we immediately obtain the properties

  1. det(idM)id=Λn(idM)=1id\det(\id_M) \cdot \id = \Lambda^n(\id_M) = 1 \cdot \id
  2. det(gf)id=Λn(gf)=Λn(g)Λn(f)=det(g)det(f)id\det(g \circ f) \cdot \id = \Lambda^n(g \circ f) = \Lambda^n(g) \circ \Lambda^n(f) = \det(g) \cdot \det(f) \cdot \id
  3. fAutR(M)    Λn(f)AutR(Λn(M)).f \in \Aut_R(M) \implies \Lambda^n(f) \in \Aut_R(\Lambda^n(M)).

In particular, if ff is invertible, then so is det(f)\det(f). We are already halfway there.

Matrices #

For the remainder of the discussion we shall work with matrices. Consider the free module RnR^n with the standard basis {e1,,en}\{ e_1, \dots, e_n \}. We identify a matrix AMn(R)A \in M_n(R) with the linear map xAxx \mapsto Ax and a linear map f ⁣:RnRnf\colon R^n \to R^n with the matrix (aij)(a_{ij}) whose entries are determined by the equations

f(ei)=jaijej.f(e_i) = \sum_j a_{ij} e_j.

Suppose AA has columns v1,,vnv_1, \dots, v_n. Note that

Λn(A)(e1en)=v1vn=det(A)e1en.\Lambda^n(A)(e_1 \wedge \dots \wedge e_n) = v_1 \wedge \dots \wedge v_n = \det(A) \wedge e_1 \wedge \dots \wedge e_n.

This shows that determinants are linear in each column of the matrix AA. Writing the {vi}\{ v_i \} as linear combinations of the standard basis, we see that det(A)\det(A) is given by a polynomial in the entries {aij}\{ a_{ij} \} with integer coefficients (recall that wedges of the standard basis are integer linear combinations of ss as we have seen before).

Cramer’s rule #

Let AMn(R)A \in M_n(R) and let Ai(x)A_i(x) be the matrix obtained by replacing column ii in AA by xRnx \in R^n. Since determinants are linear in each column, the map

f ⁣:RnRn,x[detA1(x)detA2(x)detAn(x)]f\colon R^n \to R^n, \quad x \mapsto \begin{bmatrix} \det A_1(x) & \det A_2(x) & \dots & \det A_n(x) \end{bmatrix}^\top

is linear. We notice that f(Aei)=det(A)eif(Ae_i) = \det(A) e_i so identification of ff with a matrix BB leads to

BA=det(A)I.BA = \det(A) I.

To see that AB=det(A)IAB = \det(A) I also holds, we use a neat shortcut. The columns of BB are given by

[detA1(ei)detAn(ei)]\begin{bmatrix} \det A_1(e_i) & \dots & \det A_n(e_i) \end{bmatrix}^\top

so if we replace AA by an indeterminate matrix X=(xij)X = (x_{ij}), the entries of BB are integer coefficient polynomials in the (xij)(x_{ij}) and thus XBdet(X)IXB - \det(X)I consists of n2n^2 polynomials in Z[xij:1i,jn]\bZ[x_{ij} : 1 \leq i,j \leq n]. All those polynomials vanish on Mn(C)M_n(\bC) because left and right inverses coincide for complex matrices by the rank-nullity theorem. Hence, all the polynomials are zero. Since for any AMn(R)A \in M_n(R) we obtain ABdet(A)IAB - \det(A)I by evaluating those n2n^2 polynomials in the entries of AA, we have AB=det(A)IAB = \det(A)I for all AMn(R)A \in M_n(R).

We conclude that if detAR×\det A \in R^\times, then AA is invertible and thus

GLn(R)={AMn(R):det(A)R×}.\GL_n(R) = \{ A \in M_n(R) : \det(A) \in R^\times \}.

Remark: Our proof of Cramer’s rule shows in some opaque way that Mn(R)M_n(R) is Dedekind-finite – a property that we could have derived from Nakayama’s lemma as well.

Finishing the challenge #

Fix a commutative ring kk. Mapping a kk-algebra morphism f ⁣:RSf\colon R \to S to

GLn(f) ⁣:GLn(R)GLn(S),(aij)(f(aij))\GL_n(f) \colon \GL_n(R) \to \GL_n(S), \quad \quad (a_{ij}) \mapsto (f(a_{ij}))

is functorial because matrix multiplication and determinants are polynomial in the matrix entries. Hence, we have a functor GLn ⁣:CAlgkGrp\GL_n\colon \operatorname{CAlg}_k \to \operatorname{Grp}.

Let X=(xij)X = (x_{ij}) denote an indeterminate matrix and define the algebra

A=k[X,y]/(det(X)y1).A = k[X, y] / (\det(X)y - 1).

It is clear that CAlgk(A,R)\operatorname{CAlg}_k(A, R) can be identified with GLn(R)\GL_n(R) by evaluation in XX, hence

ηR ⁣:CAlgk(A,R)GLn(R),f(f(xij))\eta_R\colon \operatorname{CAlg}_k(A, R) \to \GL_n(R), \quad \quad f \mapsto (f(x_{ij}))

define a natural isomorphism η ⁣:CAlgk(A,)GLn\eta\colon \operatorname{CAlg}_k(A, -) \Rightarrow \GL_n and GLn\GL_n is representable, making it an affine group scheme.

Bonus: Eigenvalue theory #

So far we have not derived an explicit formula for the determinant. As it turns out, we can do surprisingly much without a formula. Let us develop some eigenvalue theory.

In this chapter we take kk to be a field and VV is a kk-vector space of dimension nNn \in \bN.

Characteristic polynomials #

Let f ⁣:VVf\colon V \to V be a linear map. The characteristic polynomial of ff is defined as

pf=det(ftidV)k[t].p_f = \det(f - t \id_V) \in k[t].

This is well-defined because functoriality of Λn\Lambda^n implies that det\det is invariant under change of basis and for any fixed basis we know that det\det is polynomial in the coefficients that determine the linear operator.

Eigenvalues as roots #

Let f ⁣:VVf\colon V \to V be a linear map. A scalar λk\lambda \in k is an eigenvalue of ff, if the linear system

f(v)=λvf(v) = \lambda v

has a non-trivial solution vV{0}v \in V \setminus \{0 \}. In that case, we call vv an eigenvector of ff.

We claim that the eigenvalues of ff are precisely the roots of pfk[t]p_f \in k[t]. Indeed, if f(v)=λvf(v) = \lambda v has no solutions v0v \neq 0, then fλidf - \lambda \id is an isomorphism and thus pf(λ)k×p_f(\lambda) \in k^\times. On ther other hand, if some v0v \neq 0 satisfies the equation, then we can extend v=v1v = v_1 to a basis {v1,,vn}\{ v_1, \dots, v_n \} of VV and g=fλidg = f - \lambda \id satisfies

0=g(v1)g(vn)=det(g)v1vn.0 = g(v_1) \wedge \dots \wedge g(v_n) = \det(g) \cdot v_1 \wedge \dots \wedge v_n.

We conclude pf(λ)=0p_f(\lambda) = 0.

Extracting coefficients #

We can now establish that det(f)\det(f) is the product of the eigenvalues in the algebraic closure of kk. To see this, we wish to find the degree and leading coefficient of pfp_f without using an explicit formula for the determinant. Consider the case k=Ck = \bC. Then pfp_f is continuous as a polynomial function and we have

pf(z)zn=det(fzid)zn=det(f/zid)zdet(id)=(1)n\frac{p_f(z)}{z^n} = \frac{\det(f - z \id)}{z^n} = \det(f/z - \id) \xrightarrow{|z| \to \infty} \det(- \id) = (-1)^n

and clearly for higher powers of zz this becomes zero. Hence deg(pf)=n\deg(p_f) = n with leading coefficient (1)n(-1)^n. Since this holds for all ff, the equation must also hold for the generic integer polynomial that, evaluated in the coefficients of ff, determines pfp_f. Therefore, this fact about the characteristic polynomial holds in any field.

Let kk now be any field. In the algebraic closure of kk we can factorize

pf=(1)ni=1n(tλi)p_f = (-1)^n \prod_{i=1}^n (t - \lambda_i)

and thus we have

det(f)=pf(0)=(1)ni=1n(λi)=i=1nλi.\det(f) = p_f(0) = (-1)^n \prod_{i=1}^n (- \lambda_i) = \prod_{i=1}^n \lambda_i.

Conclusion #

It is surprising how much information can be obtained about determinants without knowing some explicit formula in terms of matrix coefficients. Of course, this is not a good way to go about it because such proofs leave out most of the algebraic insight. It is still an interesting recreational challenge and perhaps there is an even more economical way to solve it!

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